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Workshop Philosophies



  • a seemingly magical process of transformation, creation, or combination

My workshops are designed to empower you in the kitchen and teach you how to cultivate health.  


Become a kitchen alchemist and learn how to transform ingredients into delicious creations that nourish your body, mind and soul.​


Eating is the single biggest daily act that connects you to nature and to the innate wisdom you possess to cultivate a health. As a kitchen alchemist, you sit in the driver's seat of your health and the health of your family.  Having a hard time determining what foods to prepare and how to prepare them in a way that supports your body's natural systems, tastes delicious and doesn't break your back or the bank?  Let me help!  My classes are designed to help you feel comfortable and confident in the kitchen to support your health and the health of your family, friends and community.


The kitchen is where community and connection happen.  Just think about where you spend your time when you gather for holidays and shared meals.  Kitchen alchemy happens when you experiment and play with food.  Cooking and preparing food can feel intimidating, challenging and time consuming.  I want to help you reimagine yourself in the kitchen so that you can find joy and ease while nourishing yourself and your family.


​​In addition to sharing recipes and guided instruction in the kitchen, my background as an Adjunct Professor lends the opportunity for small, seminar style workshops and groups where I teach you about the ways food affects your health and the health of the planet.  Learn simple strategies you can implement right away so you can live the long, healthy, vibrant life that you and your loved ones deserve. 


“Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.” 

—Malcolm X.


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