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Spicy Edamame Dip

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About the Recipe

If you’re exploring ways to manage estrogen dominance, you might have heard that soy could be a helpful ally. Let me break it down for you in simple terms.

Phytoestrogens to the Rescue: Soy is packed with something called isoflavones, which are a type of phytoestrogen. Think of phytoestrogens as plant-based compounds that can kind of mimic estrogen in your body. They’re like nature’s version of estrogen, but much milder. This means they can interact with estrogen receptors without being as powerful as your body’s own estrogen.

Balancing Act: If you’ve got too much estrogen hanging around (a condition known as estrogen dominance), soy’s mild estrogen-like effects might actually help balance things out. They can compete with the stronger, natural estrogens for receptor sites, which might help reduce the overall estrogen impact in your body.

Helping with Metabolism: There’s some evidence suggesting that soy can aid in the metabolism of estrogen in your liver. This means it might help your body get rid of excess estrogen more efficiently, helping to keep things in check.

Progesterone Partner: Since soy isn’t as strong as the estrogen your body produces, it might help balance estrogen levels without overpowering the system. This can be particularly useful if you’re looking to support a healthier balance between estrogen and progesterone.

Menopausal Relief: If you’re going through menopause or experiencing symptoms of estrogen dominance, like hot flashes or mood swings, soy might offer some relief. Its phytoestrogens can help ease these symptoms by providing a gentle, plant-based estrogen effect.

It’s Personal: Just keep in mind that everyone’s body is different. Some people might find soy really helpful, while others might not notice much of a change. It’s always a good idea to see how your body responds and chat with your healthcare provider if you have specific concerns.

So, in a nutshell, soy’s phytoestrogens can lend a hand by moderating estrogen levels and possibly easing symptoms of estrogen dominance. It’s like giving your body a bit of balance and support in a natural, gentle way.


2 Cups Edamame, peeled, shelled

1/4 Cup Olive Oil

2 Scoops Collagen Protein Powder

Juice from 2 Lemons

1/2 tsp sea salt (more to taste)

1 Dried Thai Chili (optional)

4 T Nutritional Yeast

Water (add 1 T at a time until desired consistency achieved)


Add all items to a food processor or high powered blender and mix until you achieved your desired consistency. Store in an airtight container in the fridge for up to one week. Enjoy as a condiment, a dip or a sandwich spread. Yum :)

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