About the Recipe
I pretty much start everyday with this drink. Sometimes, mood dependent, I sub coffee for tea in this recipe. If coffee is your thing, give this recipe a try. It's a great way to start the day with good quality protein and healthy fat to help prevent the blood sugar roller coaster most breakfasts provoke.
-Coconut milk is rich in electrolytes such as potassium, magnesium and phosphorous and contains medium chain triglyceride fatty acids (MCTs) that promote fat burning and digestive health.
-Collagen peptides are known to support skin, hair, nails and joint health.

12 oz favorite tea of choice (mine is earl grey)
2 scoops plain collagen peptides (I use bovine or marine sources)
1/4 homemade coconut milk or 2 T coconut cream (from the can)
1/2 tsp honey (optional)
Brew tea to desired flavor (I like mine strong so this takes about 5 mins). Once tea is ready add all ingredients to a high powered blender. Blend first on low and then gradually turn to high. Do not skip this step! If you turn your blender on high right away there's a good change you'll blow the lid off and hot, dark tea will go everywhere. I know. I've made this mistake many, many times. Pour into your favorite cup, sip and top off until all tea fits into your cup. Viola! You just made yourself a tasty bevy packed w MCT fats and 20 grams of collagen protein.