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Why Group Nutrition?

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Health Happens In Community

When I started practicing Nutrition Therapy, I never intended to see clients one on one in a clinical setting (although that's what I did for years).  My reasoning was simple:  health doesn't happen in isolation, health happens in community.  


When implementing nutrition and lifestyle changes, a supportive group environment sets the stage for success.  Surrounding yourself with people who share a common goal increases the likelihood of you reaching your own goals.  You can share wins and challenges while you troubleshoot problems and find solutions together.  You find yourself when you find your tribe.


There's better value to clients in a group setting.  Too often the first few months I work with someone I find myself repeating the same recommendations to every client individually because most people need the basics in place first--a nutrient dense diet, proper sleep, social connection, love, stress management, mindfulness practices, movement, digestive support, etc.  Often, when folks implement these strategies that support the foundations for health, their symptoms reduce or diminish and the need for more individualized care is either unnecessary or less intensive.  This strategy saves you time and money while also improving outcomes as research shows that diet and lifestyle changes are more successful when implemented within a group setting.     


I see myself as a guide helping you map a collective wellness journey in a supportive peer group. If lasting health is what you're looking for, you're certain to find your tribe in one of my upcoming classes or workshops.  Click here to see what group may be the best fit for you.

Why I don't offer private sessions 

Time and income remain some of the biggest barriers for anyone wishing to improve their health.  My solution?  Group Nutrition Therapy classes and workshops.  Health outcomes are better for people when they have a supportive group environment.  And the cost is shared by multiple participants making groups the best option for both improved health and affordability.  You can expect to receive all the expertise I offer in a one-on-one setting in an environment more conducive to your success, all while making it affordable, approachable and fun.

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